Ordering & Payment



How do I place an order?

  1. Select the products you desire. You may also shop by product category for convenience.

  2. Add the products to your shopping cart.

  3. Checkout is made easy for you.

  4. Login to your account to make ordering a simple and quick process! (If you don't have one, create your account today!)

  5. Enter your payment details & click on "Checkout".

  6. Your order would then be successfully placed.

  7. You will receive a confirmation email for your purchase shortly. 


What is the minimum amount for Raffles Spa Online purchase?

There is no minimum purchase. Delivery charges will be based on total weight of all items purchased and calculated automatically when delivery address is confirmed. Payment amount is not inclusive of local tax, unless otherwise stated. Import and customs duties which may be subjected depending on destination country.


Can I call Raffles Spa to place an order? 

We apologize for being unable to place an order on your behalf over the phone due to security purposes. However, we are happy to provide you with detailed instructions on how to place your order via our email: rafflesspa.singapore@raffles.com


After ordering and making my payment, what should I do next? 

After you have successfully placed your order, our Customer Service team will conduct a verification of your order and payment and update you as soon as possible by email.
When the verification is completed, you can expect to receive your order within 10-14 working days subject to  local custom clearance regulations.


How do I know if my payment status is successful? 

An email notification on whether your payment was successful will be sent to you once your order has been confirmed.


What are the payment modes available? 

All prices stated are in Singapore dollars (SGD) and includes GST, and service charge for services.

For payment, we accept all major credit cards supported by VISA, Mastercard and JCB.


Is cash on delivery available?

As we are using a 3rd party logistic company, we do not accept any cash on delivery.


Do you keep my credit card details? 

As your security is of utmost importance to us, every credit card transaction occurs within a secure environment.

For the payment that you have made, for security purposes, we do not retain your credit card information after your order is completed; it is submitted directly to our banks.


Can I change item(s) from my order after the order has been processed?

We apologize that we are unable to change the item(s) in your order once it has been processed, as we may have already packed and shipped out the item(s).

What should I do if I have changes to my order?

You may contact us at +65 6412 1377 within 12 hours upon completing your purchase from Mondays to Fridays, between 9am to 5pm (local time)





We accept Visa, MasterCard & JCB and payment will be processed by Adyen Gateway.